Uses of Class

Packages that use REnvironment
de.jstacs.classifiers This package provides the framework for any classifier. 
de.jstacs.classifiers.utils Provides some useful classes for working with classifiers Provides classes for the representation of data. 
de.jstacs.motifDiscovery This package provides the framework including the interface for any de novo motif discoverer 
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous This package contains various inhomogeneous models. 

Uses of REnvironment in de.jstacs.classifiers

Methods in de.jstacs.classifiers with parameters of type REnvironment
static StringBuffer AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResult.getPlotCommands(REnvironment e, String plotOptions, AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResult... dtr)
          This method copies the data to the server side and creates a StringBuffer containing the plot commands.
static StringBuffer AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResult.getPlotCommands(REnvironment e, String plotOptions, int[] colors, AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResult... dtr)
          This method copies the data to the server side and creates a StringBuffer containing the plot commands.
static StringBuffer AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResult.getPlotCommands(REnvironment e, String plotOptions, String[] colors, AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResult... dtr)
          This method copies the data to the server side and creates a StringBuffer containing the plot commands.
static ImageResult AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResult.plot(REnvironment e, AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResult... dtr)
          This method plots an array of AbstractScoreBasedClassifier.DoubleTableResults in one image.

Uses of REnvironment in de.jstacs.classifiers.utils

Methods in de.jstacs.classifiers.utils with parameters of type REnvironment
static ImageResult ClassificationVisualizer.getScatterplot(AbstractScoreBasedClassifier cl1, AbstractScoreBasedClassifier cl2, DataSet class0, DataSet class1, REnvironment e, boolean drawThreshold)
          This method returns an ImageResult containing a scatter plot of the scores for the given classifiers cl1 and cl2.
static ImageResult ClassificationVisualizer.plotScores(AbstractScoreBasedClassifier cl, DataSet class0, DataSet class1, REnvironment e, int bins, double density, String plotOptions)
          This method returns an ImageResult containing a plot of the histograms of the scores.
static void ClassificationVisualizer.plotScores(AbstractScoreBasedClassifier cl, DataSet class0, DataSet class1, REnvironment e, int bins, double density, String plotOptions, String fName)
          This method creates a pdf containing a plot of the histograms of the scores.

Uses of REnvironment in

Methods in with parameters of type REnvironment
static ImageResult DinucleotideProperty.getPropertyImage(DataSet original, DinucleotideProperty prop, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, REnvironment re, int xLeft, String pltOptions, int width, int height)
static ImageResult DinucleotideProperty.getPropertyImage(Sequence original, DinucleotideProperty prop, DinucleotideProperty.Smoothing smoothing, REnvironment re, int xLeft, String pltOptions, int width, int height)

Uses of REnvironment in de.jstacs.motifDiscovery

Methods in de.jstacs.motifDiscovery with parameters of type REnvironment
static ImageResult MotifDiscovererToolBox.plot(MotifDiscoverer motifDisc, int component, int motif, Sequence sequence, int startpos, REnvironment r, int width, int height, MotifDiscoverer.KindOfProfile kind)
          This method creates a simple plot of the profile of scores for a sequence and a start position.
static ImageResult MotifDiscovererToolBox.plotAndAnnotate(MotifDiscoverer motifDisc, int component, int motif, Sequence sequence, int startpos, REnvironment r, int width, int height, double yMin, double yMax, double threshold, MotifDiscoverer.KindOfProfile kind)
          This method creates a plot of the profile of scores for a sequence and a start position and annotates bindings sites in the plot that have a higher score than threshold.

Uses of REnvironment in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous

Methods in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous with parameters of type REnvironment
static BufferedImage TwoPointEvaluater.getImage(double[][] mi, REnvironment r)
          This method can be used to create an image of a mutual information matrix.