Packages that use Result | |
de.jstacs.classifiers | This package provides the framework for any classifier. |
de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment | This package allows to assess classifiers. |
de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation | Provides the facilities to annotate Sequence s using a number of pre-defined annotation types, or additional
implementations of the SequenceAnnotation class |
de.jstacs.results | This package provides classes for results and sets of results. |
de.jstacs.utils.galaxy |
Uses of Result in de.jstacs.classifiers |
Subclasses of Result in de.jstacs.classifiers | |
static class |
This class is for Result s given as a table of double
s. |
Uses of Result in de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment |
Methods in de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment that return types with arguments of type Result | |
Collection<Result> |
Collection<Result> |
Collection<Result> |
ArrayList<Result> |
Collection<Result> |
Returns a Collection of parameters containing informations about
this ClassifierAssessmentAssessParameterSet . |
Uses of Result in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation |
Methods in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation that return Result | |
Result[] |
Returns the additional annotations of this SequenceAnnotation as
given in the constructor. |
Constructors in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation with parameters of type Result | |
CisRegulatoryModuleAnnotation(String identifier,
MotifAnnotation[] motifs,
Result... additionalAnnotation)
Creates a new CisRegulatoryModuleAnnotation from a set of motifs
and possibly additional annotations. |
IntronAnnotation(String identifier,
SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation donor,
SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation acceptor,
Result... additionalAnnotation)
Creates a new IntronAnnotation from a donor
SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation and an acceptor
SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation and a set of additional
annotations. |
LocatedSequenceAnnotation(int position,
String type,
String identifier,
Result... results)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotation of type type
with identifier identifier and additional annotation (that
does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as an
array of Result s result . |
LocatedSequenceAnnotation(int position,
String type,
String identifier,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotations,
Result... additionalAnnotation)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotation of type type
with identifier identifier , additional annotation (that does
not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as an array of
Result s additionalAnnotation and sub-annotations
annotations . |
LocatedSequenceAnnotation(String type,
String identifier,
LocatedSequenceAnnotation[] annotations,
Result... additionalAnnotation)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotation of type type
with identifier identifier , additional annotation (that does
not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as an array of
Result s additionalAnnotation and sub-annotations
annotations . |
LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(int position,
int length,
String type,
String identifier,
Result... results)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier and additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as an array of Result s result . |
LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(int position,
int length,
String type,
String identifier,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotations,
Result... additionalAnnotations)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier , additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as an array of Result s additionalAnnotations
and sub-annotations annotations . |
LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(String type,
String identifier,
LocatedSequenceAnnotation[] annotations,
Result... additionalAnnotations)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier , additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as an array of Result s additionalAnnotations
and sub-annotations annotations . |
MotifAnnotation(String identifier,
int position,
int length,
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength.Strand strandedness,
Result... additionalAnnotation)
Creates a new MotifAnnotation of type type with
identifier identifier and additional annotation (that does
not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as an array of
Result s additionalAnnotation . |
ReferenceSequenceAnnotation(String identifier,
Sequence ref,
Result... results)
Creates a new ReferenceSequenceAnnotation with identifier
identifier , reference sequence ref , and
additional annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation
definitions) given as a Result result . |
SequenceAnnotation(String type,
String identifier,
Result result)
Creates a new SequenceAnnotation of type type with
identifier identifier and additional annotation (that does
not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as a
Result result . |
SequenceAnnotation(String type,
String identifier,
Result[]... results)
Creates a new SequenceAnnotation of type type with
identifier identifier and additional annotation (that does
not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as an array of
Result s results . |
SequenceAnnotation(String type,
String identifier,
SequenceAnnotation[] subAnnotations,
Result... additionalAnnotation)
Creates a new SequenceAnnotation of type type with
identifier identifier and additional annotation (that does
not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as an array of
Result s additionalAnnotation . |
SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation(SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation.Type type,
String identifier,
int position,
Result... additionalAnnotation)
Creates a new SinglePositionSequenceAnnotation of type
type with identifier identifier , position
position and additional annotations
additionalAnnotation . |
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(int position,
int length,
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength.Strand strandedness,
String type,
String identifier,
Result... results)
Creates a new StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier and additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as an array of Result s results . |
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(int position,
int length,
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength.Strand strandedness,
String type,
String identifier,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotations,
Result... additionalAnnotations)
Creates a new StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier , additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as an array of Result s additionalAnnotations
and sub-annotations annotations . |
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(String type,
String identifier,
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength.Strand strandedness,
LocatedSequenceAnnotation[] annotations,
Result... additionalAnnotations)
Creates a new StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier , additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as an array of Result s additionalAnnotations
and sub-annotations annotations . |
Constructor parameters in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation with type arguments of type Result | |
LocatedSequenceAnnotation(int position,
String type,
String identifier,
Collection<Result> results)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotation of type type
with identifier identifier and additional annotation (that
does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as a
Collection of Result s result . |
LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(int position,
int length,
String type,
String identifier,
Collection<Result> results)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier and additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as a Collection of Result s result . |
SequenceAnnotation(String type,
String identifier,
Collection<? extends Result> results)
Creates a new SequenceAnnotation of type type with
identifier identifier and additional annotation (that does
not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as a
Collection of Result s results . |
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(int position,
int length,
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength.Strand strandedness,
String type,
String identifier,
Collection<Result> results)
Creates a new StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier and additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as a Collection of Result s results . |
Uses of Result in de.jstacs.results |
Subclasses of Result in de.jstacs.results | |
class |
A class for categorical results (i.e. non-numerical results) for primitives and String s. |
class |
Result that contains a DataSet . |
class |
A class for results that are images of the PNG format. |
class |
Class for a Result that contains a list or a matrix, respectively, of
ResultSet s. |
class |
Class for numerical Result values. |
class |
Abstract class for a Result with a value of a primitive data type or
String . |
class |
Class for Result s that are Storable s. |
Fields in de.jstacs.results with type parameters of type Result | |
protected AnnotatedEntityList<Result> |
The internally stores results. |
Methods in de.jstacs.results that return Result | |
static Result |
Result.createResult(String name,
String comment,
DataType datatype,
Object value)
Factory method to create a new Result . |
Result |
ResultSet.getResultAt(int index)
Returns Result number index in this
ResultSet . |
Result |
ResultSet.getResultForName(String name)
Returns Result with name name in this
ResultSet . |
Result[] |
Returns all internal results as an array of Result s. |
Methods in de.jstacs.results with parameters of type Result | |
boolean |
Result.isCastableResult(Result test)
Returns true if the data type of the Result
test can be casted to that of this instance and both have
the same name and comment for the Result . |
boolean |
Result.isComparableResult(Result test)
Returns true if the Result test and the
current object have the same data type, name and comment for the result. |
Constructors in de.jstacs.results with parameters of type Result | |
ResultSet(Result result)
Constructs a new ResultSet containing one Result . |
ResultSet(Result[]... results)
Constructs a new ResultSet from a two-dimensional array of
Result s. |
Constructor parameters in de.jstacs.results with type arguments of type Result | |
ResultSet(Collection<? extends Result> results)
Constructs a new ResultSet from a Collection of type
Result . |
Uses of Result in de.jstacs.utils.galaxy |
Subclasses of Result in de.jstacs.utils.galaxy | |
static class |
Result for files that are results of some computation. |
static class |
Class for an ImageResult that is linked to a file that can be downloaded. |
Methods in de.jstacs.utils.galaxy with parameters of type Result | |
void |
GalaxyAdaptor.addResult(Result res,
boolean export,
boolean includeInSummary)
Adds a result to the results of a program run. |
String |
GalaxyAdaptor.export(String filename,
Result res)
Exports a specified GalaxyAdaptor.LinkedImageResult of a program execution
to a file provided by filename and returns the
corresponding Galaxy data type. |