Packages that use WrongLengthException | |
de.jstacs.data | Provides classes for the representation of data. |
de.jstacs.data.sequences | Provides classes for representing sequences. |
de.jstacs.motifDiscovery | This package provides the framework including the interface for any de novo motif discoverer |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.differentiable | |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.mixture.motif | |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.models | The package provides different implementations of hidden Markov models based on AbstractHMM |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.states | The package provides all interfaces and classes for states used in hidden Markov models. |
Uses of WrongLengthException in de.jstacs.data |
Methods in de.jstacs.data that throw WrongLengthException | |
int |
DataSet.getNumberOfElementsWithLength(int len)
Returns the number of overlapping elements that can be extracted. |
double |
DataSet.getNumberOfElementsWithLength(int len,
double[] weights)
Returns the weighted number of overlapping elements that can be extracted. |
DataSet[] |
DataSet.partition(double p,
DataSet.PartitionMethod method,
int subsequenceLength)
This method partitions the elements, i.e. the Sequence s, of the
DataSet in two distinct parts. |
static DataSet |
DataSet.union(DataSet[] s,
boolean[] in,
int subsequenceLength)
This method unites all DataSet s of the array s
regarding the array in and sets the element length in the
united DataSet to subsequenceLength . |
static DataSet |
DataSet.union(DataSet[] s,
int subsequenceLength)
This method unites all DataSet s of the array s and
sets the element length in the united sample to
subsequenceLength . |
Constructors in de.jstacs.data that throw WrongLengthException | |
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory(DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort,
DataSet... data)
Creates a new DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory on the given
DataSet (s) with DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort . |
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory(DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort,
DataSet[] data,
double[][] weights,
int length)
Creates a new DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory on the given array of
DataSet s and an array of weights with a given
length and DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort . |
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory(DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort,
DataSet data,
double[] weights)
Creates a new DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory on the given
DataSet and an array of weights with
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort . |
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory(DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort,
DataSet data,
double[] weights,
int length)
Creates a new DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory on the given
DataSet and an array of weights with a given
length and DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort . |
DataSet(AlphabetContainer abc,
AbstractStringExtractor se)
Creates a new DataSet from a StringExtractor
using the given AlphabetContainer . |
DataSet(AlphabetContainer abc,
AbstractStringExtractor se,
int subsequenceLength)
Creates a new DataSet from a StringExtractor
using the given AlphabetContainer and all overlapping windows of
length subsequenceLength . |
DataSet(AlphabetContainer abc,
AbstractStringExtractor se,
String delim)
Creates a new DataSet from a StringExtractor
using the given AlphabetContainer and a delimiter
delim . |
DataSet(AlphabetContainer abc,
AbstractStringExtractor se,
String delim,
int subsequenceLength)
Creates a new DataSet from a StringExtractor
using the given AlphabetContainer , the given delimiter
delim and all overlapping windows of length
subsequenceLength . |
DataSet(DataSet s,
int subsequenceLength)
Creates a new DataSet from a given DataSet and a given
length subsequenceLength . |
DNADataSet(String fName)
Creates a new sample of DNA sequence from a FASTA file with file name fName . |
DNADataSet(String fName,
char ignore)
Creates a new sample of DNA sequence from a file with file name fName . |
DNADataSet(String fName,
char ignore,
SequenceAnnotationParser parser)
Creates a new sample of DNA sequence from a file with file name fName using the given parser . |
Uses of WrongLengthException in de.jstacs.data.sequences |
Methods in de.jstacs.data.sequences that throw WrongLengthException | |
protected abstract MultiDimensionalSequence<T> |
MultiDimensionalSequence.getInstance(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... seqs)
protected MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence |
MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence.getInstance(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... seqs)
protected MultiDimensionalArbitrarySequence |
MultiDimensionalArbitrarySequence.getInstance(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... seqs)
Constructors in de.jstacs.data.sequences that throw WrongLengthException | |
MultiDimensionalArbitrarySequence(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
ArbitrarySequence... sequence)
This constructor creates an MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence from a set of individual Sequence s. |
MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
SimpleDiscreteSequence... sequence)
This constructor creates an MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence from a set of individual Sequence s. |
MultiDimensionalSequence(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... sequence)
This constructor creates an MultiDimensionalSequence from a set of individual Sequence s. |
Uses of WrongLengthException in de.jstacs.motifDiscovery |
Methods in de.jstacs.motifDiscovery that throw WrongLengthException | |
static Hashtable<Sequence,BitSet[]> |
KMereStatistic.merge(Hashtable<Sequence,BitSet[]> statistic,
int maximalMissmatch,
boolean bothStrands)
This method allows to merge the statistics of k-mers by allowing mismatches. |
Uses of WrongLengthException in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.differentiable |
Methods in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.differentiable that throw WrongLengthException | |
double |
AbstractDifferentiableSequenceScore.getLogScoreAndPartialDerivation(Sequence seq,
int startpos,
int endpos,
IntList indices,
DoubleList partialDer)
double |
AbstractDifferentiableSequenceScore.getLogScoreFor(Sequence seq,
int startpos,
int endpos)
Uses of WrongLengthException in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.mixture.motif |
Methods in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.mixture.motif that throw WrongLengthException | |
double[] |
ExtendedZOOPSDiffSM.getProfileOfScoresFor(int component,
int motif,
Sequence sequence,
int startpos,
MotifDiscoverer.KindOfProfile dist)
Uses of WrongLengthException in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.models |
Methods in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.models that throw WrongLengthException | |
protected void |
HigherOrderHMM.fillFwdMatrix(int startPos,
int endPos,
Sequence seq)
Uses of WrongLengthException in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.states |
Methods in de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.states that throw WrongLengthException | |
double |
SimpleDifferentiableState.getLogScoreAndPartialDerivation(int startPos,
int endPos,
IntList indices,
DoubleList partDer,
Sequence seq)
double |
DifferentiableState.getLogScoreAndPartialDerivation(int startPos,
int endPos,
IntList indices,
DoubleList partDer,
Sequence seq)
This method allows to compute the logarithm of the score and the gradient for the given subsequences. |
double |
State.getLogScoreFor(int startPos,
int endPos,
Sequence seq)
This method returns the logarithm of the score for a given sequence with given start and end position. |
double |
SimpleState.getLogScoreFor(int startPos,
int endPos,
Sequence seq)