In this section, we show some more complex code examples. All these code examples can be downloaded at XXXX and may serve as a starting points for your own applications.
Creation of user-specfic alphabet
In this example, we create a new ComplementableDiscreteAlphabet using the generic implementation. We then use this Alphabet to create a Sequence and compute its reverse complement.
String[] symbols = {"A", "C", "G", "T", "-"};
//new alphabet
DiscreteAlphabet abc = new DiscreteAlphabet( true, symbols );
//new alphabet that allows to build the reverse complement of a sequence
int[] revComp = new int[symbols.length];
revComp[0] = 3; //symbols[0]^rc = symbols[3]
revComp[1] = 2; //symbols[1]^rc = symbols[2]
revComp[2] = 1; //symbols[2]^rc = symbols[1]
revComp[3] = 0; //symbols[3]^rc = symbols[0]
revComp[4] = 4; //symbols[4]^rc = symbols[4]
GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet abc2 = new GenericComplementableDiscreteAlphabet( true, symbols, revComp );
Sequence seq = Sequence.create( new AlphabetContainer( abc2 ), "ACGT-" );
Sequence rc = seq.reverseComplement();
System.out.println( seq );
System.out.println( rc );
Creating Data sets
In this example, we show different ways of creating a DataSet in Jstacs from plain text and FastA files and using the adaptor to BioJava.
String home = args[0];
//load DNA sequences in FastA-format
DataSet data = new DNADataSet( home+"myfile.fa" );
//create a DNA-alphabet
AlphabetContainer container = DNAAlphabetContainer.SINGLETON;
//create a DataSet using the alphabet from above in FastA-format
data = new DataSet( container, new SparseStringExtractor( home+"myfile.fa", StringExtractor.FASTA ));
//create a DataSet using the alphabet from above
data = new DataSet( container, new SparseStringExtractor( home+"myfile.txt" ));
//defining the ids, we want to obtain from NCBI Genbank:
GenbankRichSequenceDB db = new GenbankRichSequenceDB();
SimpleSequenceIterator it = new SimpleSequenceIterator(
db.getRichSequence( "NC_001284.2" ),
db.getRichSequence( "NC_000932.1" )
//conversion to Jstacs DataSet
data = BioJavaAdapter.sequenceIteratorToDataSet( it, null );
Using TrainSMBasedClassifier
In this example, we show how to create a TrainSMBasedClassifier using to position weight matrices, train this classifier, classify previously unlabeled data, store the classifier to its XML representation, and load it back into Jstacs.
String home = args[0];
//create a DataSet for each class from the input data, using the DNA alphabet
DataSet[] data = new DataSet[2];
data[0] = new DNADataSet( args[1] );
//the length of our input sequences
int length = data[0].getElementLength();
data[1] = new DataSet( new DNADataSet( args[2] ), length );
//create a new PWM
BayesianNetworkTrainSM pwm = new BayesianNetworkTrainSM( new BayesianNetworkTrainSMParameterSet(
//the alphabet and the length of the model:
data[0].getAlphabetContainer(), length,
//the equivalent sample size to compute hyper-parameters
//some identifier for the model
"my PWM",
//we want a PWM, which is an inhomogeneous Markov model (IMM) of order 0
ModelType.IMM, (byte) 0,
//we want to estimate the MAP-parameters
LearningType.ML_OR_MAP ) );
//create a new classifier
TrainSMBasedClassifier classifier = new TrainSMBasedClassifier( pwm, pwm );
//train the classifier
classifier.train( data );
//sequences that will be classified
DataSet toClassify = new DNADataSet( args[3] );
//use the trained classifier to classify new sequences
byte[] result = classifier.classify( toClassify );
System.out.println( Arrays.toString( result ) );
//create the XML-representation of the classifier
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
XMLParser.appendObjectWithTags( buf, classifier, "classifier" );
//write it to disk
FileManager.writeFile( new File(home+"myClassifier.xml"), buf );
//read XML-representation from disk
StringBuffer buf2 = FileManager.readFile( new File(home+"myClassifier.xml") );
//create new classifier from read StringBuffer containing XML-code
AbstractClassifier trainedClassifier = (AbstractClassifier) XMLParser.extractObjectForTags(buf2, "classifier");
Using GenDisMixClassifier
In this example, we show how to create GenDisMixClassifier s using two position weight matrices. We show how GenDisMixClassifier s can be created for all basic learning principles (ML, MAP, MCL, MSP), and how these classifiers can be trained and assessed.
//read FastA-files
DataSet[] data = {
new DNADataSet( args[0] ),
new DNADataSet( args[1] )
AlphabetContainer container = data[0].getAlphabetContainer();
int length = data[0].getElementLength();
//equivalent sample size =^= ESS
double essFg = 4, essBg = 4;
//create DifferentiableSequenceScore, here PWM
DifferentiableStatisticalModel pwmFg = new BayesianNetworkDiffSM( container, length, essFg, true, new InhomogeneousMarkov(0) );
DifferentiableStatisticalModel pwmBg = new BayesianNetworkDiffSM( container, length, essBg, true, new InhomogeneousMarkov(0) );
//create parameters of the classifier
GenDisMixClassifierParameterSet cps = new GenDisMixClassifierParameterSet(
container,//the used alphabets
length,//sequence length that can be modeled/classified
Optimizer.QUASI_NEWTON_BFGS, 1E-1, 1E-1, 1,//optimization parameter
false,//use free parameters or all
KindOfParameter.PLUGIN,//how to start the numerical optimization
true,//use a normalized objective function
AbstractMultiThreadedOptimizableFunction.getNumberOfAvailableProcessors()//number of compute threads
//create classifiers
LearningPrinciple[] lp = LearningPrinciple.values();
GenDisMixClassifier[] cl = new GenDisMixClassifier[lp.length+1];
//elementary learning principles
int i = 0;
for( ; i < cl.length-1; i++ ){
System.out.println( "classifier " + i + " uses " + lp[i] );
cl[i] = new GenDisMixClassifier( cps, new CompositeLogPrior(), lp[i], pwmFg, pwmBg );
//use some weighted version of log conditional likelihood, log likelihood, and log prior
double[] beta = {0.3,0.3,0.4};
System.out.println( "classifier " + i + " uses the weights " + Arrays.toString( beta ) );
cl[i] = new GenDisMixClassifier( cps, new CompositeLogPrior(), beta, pwmFg, pwmBg );
//do what ever you like
//e.g., train
for( i = 0; i < cl.length; i++ ){
cl[i].train( data );
//e.g., evaluate (normally done on a test data set)
PerformanceMeasureParameterSet mp = PerformanceMeasureParameterSet.createFilledParameters();
for( i = 0; i < cl.length; i++ ){
System.out.println( cl[i].evaluate( mp, true, data ) );
Accessing R from Jstacs
Here, we show a number of examples how R can be used from within Jstacs using RServe.
REnvironment e = null;
try {
//create a connection to R with YOUR server name, login and password
e = new REnvironment();//might be adjusted
System.out.println( "java: " + System.getProperty( "java.version" ) );
System.out.println( e.getVersionInformation() );
// compute something in R
REXP erg = e.eval( "sin(10)" );
System.out.println( erg.asDouble() );
//create a histrgram in R in 3 steps
//1) create the data
e.voidEval( "a = 100;" );
e.voidEval( "n = rnorm(a)" );
//2) create the plot command
String plotCmd = "hist(n,breaks=a/5)";
//3a) plot as pdf
e.plotToPDF( plotCmd, args[0]+"/test.pdf", true );
//3b) create an image and show it
BufferedImage i = e.plot( plotCmd, 640, 480 );
REnvironment.showImage( "histogramm", i, JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
} catch ( Exception ex ) {
} finally {
if( e != null ) {
try {
//close REnvironment correctly
} catch ( Exception e1 ) {
System.err.println( "could not close REnvironment." );
Getting ROC and PR curve from a classifier
In this example, we show how a classifier (loaded from disk) can be assessed on test data, and how we can plot ROC and PR curves of this classifier and test data set.
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
//read XML-representation from disk
StringBuffer buf2 = FileManager.readFile( new File(args[0]+"myClassifier.xml") );
//create new classifier from read StringBuffer containing XML-code
AbstractClassifier trainedClassifier = (AbstractClassifier) XMLParser.extractObjectForTags(buf2, "classifier");
//create a DataSet for each class from the input data, using the DNA alphabet
DataSet[] test = new DataSet[2];
test[0] = new DNADataSet( args[1] );
//the length of our input sequences
int length = test[0].getElementLength();
test[1] = new DataSet( new DNADataSet( args[2] ), length );
AbstractPerformanceMeasure[] m = { new PRCurve(), new ROCCurve() };
PerformanceMeasureParameterSet mp = new PerformanceMeasureParameterSet( m );
ResultSet rs = trainedClassifier.evaluate( mp, true, test );
REnvironment r = null;
try {
r = new REnvironment();//might be adjusted
for( int i = 0; i < rs.getNumberOfResults(); i++ ) {
Result res = rs.getResultAt(i);
if( res instanceof DoubleTableResult ) {
DoubleTableResult dtr = (DoubleTableResult) res;
ImageResult ir = DoubleTableResult.plot( r, dtr );
REnvironment.showImage( dtr.getName(), ir.getValue() );
} else {
System.out.println( res );
} catch( Exception e ) {
} finally {
if( r != null ) {
Performing crossvalidation
In this example, we show how we can compare classifiers built on different types of models and using different learning principles in a cross validation. Specifically, we create a position weight matrix, use that matrix to create a mixture model, and we create an inhomogeneous Markov model of order [math]3[/math]. We do so in the world of TrainableStatisticalModel s and in the world of DifferentiableStatisticalModel s. We then use the mixture model as foreground model and the inhomogeneous Markov model as the background model when building classifiers. The classifiers are learned by the generative MAP principle and the discriminative MSP principle, respectively. We then assess these classifiers in a [math]10[/math]-fold cross validation.
//create a DataSet for each class from the input data, using the DNA alphabet
DataSet[] data = new DataSet[2];
data[0] = new DNADataSet( args[0] );
//the length of our input sequences
int length = data[0].getElementLength();
data[1] = new DataSet( new DNADataSet( args[1] ), length );
AlphabetContainer container = data[0].getAlphabetContainer();
//create a new PWM
BayesianNetworkTrainSM pwm = new BayesianNetworkTrainSM( new BayesianNetworkTrainSMParameterSet(
//the alphabet and the length of the model:
container, length,
//the equivalent sample size to compute hyper-parameters
//some identifier for the model
"my PWM",
//we want a PWM, which is an inhomogeneous Markov model (IMM) of order 0
ModelType.IMM, (byte) 0,
//we want to estimate the MAP-parameters
LearningType.ML_OR_MAP ) );
//create a new mixture model using 2 PWMs
MixtureTrainSM mixPwms = new MixtureTrainSM(
//the length of the mixture model
//the two components, which are PWMs
new TrainableStatisticalModel[]{pwm,pwm},
//the number of starts of the EM
//the equivalent sample sizes
new double[]{pwm.getESS(),pwm.getESS()},
//the hyper-parameters to draw the initial sequence-specific component weights (hidden variables)
//stopping criterion
new SmallDifferenceOfFunctionEvaluationsCondition(1E-6),
//parameterization of the model, LAMBDA complies with the
//parameterization by log-probabilities
//create a new inhomogeneous Markov model of order 3
BayesianNetworkTrainSM mm = new BayesianNetworkTrainSM(
new BayesianNetworkTrainSMParameterSet( container, length, 256, "my iMM(3)", ModelType.IMM, (byte) 3, LearningType.ML_OR_MAP ) );
//create a new PWM scoring function
BayesianNetworkDiffSM dPwm = new BayesianNetworkDiffSM(
//the alphabet and the length of the scoring function
container, length,
//the equivalent sample size for the plug-in parameters
//we use plug-in parameters
//a PWM is an inhomogeneous Markov model of order 0
new InhomogeneousMarkov(0));
//create a new mixture scoring function
MixtureDiffSM dMixPwms = new MixtureDiffSM(
//the number of starts
//we use plug-in parameters
//the two components, which are PWMs
//create a new scoring function that is an inhomogeneous Markov model of order 3
BayesianNetworkDiffSM dMm = new BayesianNetworkDiffSM(container, length, 4, true, new InhomogeneousMarkov(3));
//create the classifiers
int threads = AbstractMultiThreadedOptimizableFunction.getNumberOfAvailableProcessors();
AbstractScoreBasedClassifier[] classifiers = new AbstractScoreBasedClassifier[]{
//model based with mixture model and Markov model
new TrainSMBasedClassifier( mixPwms, mm ),
//conditional likelihood based classifier
new MSPClassifier( new GenDisMixClassifierParameterSet(container, length,
//method for optimizing the conditional likelihood and
//other parameters of the numerical optimization
Optimizer.QUASI_NEWTON_BFGS, 1E-2, 1E-2, 1, true, KindOfParameter.PLUGIN, false, threads),
//mixture scoring function and Markov model scoring function
dMixPwms,dMm )
//create an new k-fold cross validation using above classifiers
KFoldCrossValidation cv = new KFoldCrossValidation( classifiers );
//we use a specificity of 0.999 to compute the sensitivity and a sensitivity of 0.95 to compute FPR and PPV
NumericalPerformanceMeasureParameterSet mp = PerformanceMeasureParameterSet.createFilledParameters();
//we do a 10-fold cross validation and partition the data by means of the number of symbols
KFoldCrossValidationAssessParameterSet cvpars = new KFoldCrossValidationAssessParameterSet(PartitionMethod.PARTITION_BY_NUMBER_OF_SYMBOLS, length, true, 10);
//compute the result of the cross validation and print them to System.out
System.out.println( cv.assess( mp, cvpars, data ) );
Implementing a TrainableStatisticalModel
In this example, we show how to implement a new TrainableStatisticalModel. Here, we implement a simple homogeneous Markov models of order [math]0[/math] to focus on the technical side of the implementation. A homogeneous Markov model of order [math]0[/math] has parameters [math]\theta_a[/math] where [math]a[/math] is a symbol of the alphabet [math]\Sigma[/math] and [math]\sum_{a \in \Sigma} \theta_a = 1[/math]. For an input sequence [math]\mathbf{x} = x_1,\ldots,x_L[/math] it models the likelihood
[math]\begin{align} P(\mathbf{x}|\boldsymbol{\theta}) &= \prod_{l=1}^{L} \theta_{x_l}. \end{align}[/math]
In the implementation, we use log-parameters [math]\log \theta_a[/math].
public class HomogeneousMarkovModel extends AbstractTrainableStatisticalModel {
private double[] logProbs;//array for the parameters, i.e. the probabilities for each symbol
public HomogeneousMarkovModel( AlphabetContainer alphabets ) throws Exception {
super( alphabets, 0 ); //we have a homogeneous TrainableStatisticalModel, hence the length is set to 0
//a homogeneous TrainableStatisticalModel can only handle simple alphabets
if(! (alphabets.isSimple() && alphabets.isDiscrete()) ){
throw new Exception("Only simple and discrete alphabets allowed");
//initialize parameter array
this.logProbs = new double[(int) alphabets.getAlphabetLengthAt( 0 )];
Arrays.fill( logProbs, -Math.log(logProbs.length) );
public HomogeneousMarkovModel( StringBuffer stringBuff ) throws NonParsableException {
super( stringBuff );
protected void fromXML( StringBuffer xml ) throws NonParsableException {
//extract our XML-code
xml = XMLParser.extractForTag( xml, "homogeneousMarkovModel" );
//extract all the variables using XMLParser
alphabets = (AlphabetContainer) XMLParser.extractObjectForTags( xml, "alphabets" );
length = XMLParser.extractObjectForTags( xml, "length", int.class );
logProbs = XMLParser.extractObjectForTags( xml, "logProbs", double[].class );
public StringBuffer toXML() {
StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer();
//pack all the variables using XMLParser
XMLParser.appendObjectWithTags( buf, alphabets, "alphabets" );
XMLParser.appendObjectWithTags( buf, length, "length" );
XMLParser.appendObjectWithTags( buf, logProbs, "logProbs" );
//add our own tag
XMLParser.addTags( buf, "homogeneousMarkovModel" );
return buf;
public String getInstanceName() {
return "Homogeneous Markov model of order 0";
public double getLogPriorTerm() throws Exception {
//we use ML-estimation, hence no prior term
return 0;
public NumericalResultSet getNumericalCharacteristics() throws Exception {
//we do not have much to tell here
return new NumericalResultSet(new NumericalResult("Number of parameters","The number of parameters this model uses",logProbs.length));
public double getLogProbFor( Sequence sequence, int startpos, int endpos ) throws NotTrainedException, Exception {
double seqLogProb = 0.0;
//compute the log-probability of the sequence between startpos and endpos (inclusive)
//as sum of the single symbol log-probabilities
for(int i=startpos;i<=endpos;i++){
//directly access the array by the numerical representation of the symbols
seqLogProb += logProbs[sequence.discreteVal( i )];
return seqLogProb;
public boolean isInitialized() {
return true;
public void train( DataSet data, double[] weights ) throws Exception {
//reset the parameter array
Arrays.fill( logProbs, 0.0 );
//default sequence weight
double w = 1;
//for each sequence in the data set
for(int i=0;i<data.getNumberOfElements();i++){
//retrieve sequence
Sequence seq = data.getElementAt( i );
//if we do have any weights, use them
if(weights != null){
w = weights[i];
//for each position in the sequence
for(int j=0;j<seq.getLength();j++){
//count symbols, weighted by weights
logProbs[ seq.discreteVal( j ) ] += w;
//compute normalization
double norm = 0.0;
for(int i=0;i<logProbs.length;i++){ norm += logProbs[i]; }
//normalize probs to obtain proper probabilities
for(int i=0;i<logProbs.length;i++){ logProbs[i] = Math.log( logProbs[i]/norm ); }
Implementing a DifferentiableStatisticalModel
In this example, we show how to implement a new DifferentiableStatisticalModel. Here, we implement a simple position weight matrix, i.e., an inhomogeneous Markov model of order [math]0[/math]. Since we want to use this position weight matrix in numerical optimization, we parameterize it in the so called "natural parameterization", where the probability of symbol [math]a[/math] at position [math]l[/math] is [math]P(X_l=a | \boldsymbol{\lambda}) = \frac{\exp(\lambda_{l,a})}{ \sum_{\tilde{a}} \exp(\lambda_{l,\tilde{a}}) }[/math]. Since we use a product-Dirichlet prior on the parameters, we transformed this prior to the parameterization we use.
Here, the method getLogScore
returns a log-score that can be normalized to a proper log-likelihood by subtracting a log-normalization constant.
The log-score for an input sequence [math]\mathbf{x} = x_1,\ldots,x_L[/math] essentially is
[math]\begin{align} S(\mathbf{x}|\boldsymbol{\lambda}) &= \sum_{l=1}^{L} \lambda_{l,x_l}. \end{align}[/math]
The normalization constant is a partition function, i.e., the sum of the scores over all possible input sequences:
[math]\begin{align} Z(\boldsymbol{\lambda}) &= \sum_{\mathbf{x} \in \Sigma^L} \exp( S(\mathbf{x}|\boldsymbol{\lambda}) ) &= \sum_{\mathbf{x} \in \Sigma^L} \prod_{l=1}^{L} \exp(\lambda_{l,x_l}) &= \prod_{l=1}^{L} \sum_{a \in \Sigma} \exp(\lambda_{l,a}) \end{align}[/math]
Thus, the likelihood is defined as
[math]\begin{align} P(\mathbf{x}|\lambda) &= \frac{\exp(S(\mathbf{x}|\boldsymbol{\lambda}))}{Z(\boldsymbol{\lambda})} \end{align}[/math]
[math]\begin{align} \log P(\mathbf{x}|\lambda) &= S(\mathbf{x}|\boldsymbol{\lambda})) - \log Z(\boldsymbol{\lambda}). \end{align}[/math]
public class PositionWeightMatrixDiffSM extends AbstractDifferentiableStatisticalModel {
private double[][] parameters;// array for the parameters of the PWM in natural parameterization
private double ess;// the equivalent sample size
private boolean isInitialized;// if the parameters of this PWM are initialized
private Double norm;// normalization constant, must be reset for new parameter values
public PositionWeightMatrixDiffSM( AlphabetContainer alphabets, int length, double ess ) throws IllegalArgumentException {
super( alphabets, length );
//we allow only discrete alphabets with the same symbols at all positions
if(!alphabets.isSimple() || !alphabets.isDiscrete()){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "This PWM can handle only discrete alphabets with the same alphabet at each position." );
//create parameter-array
this.parameters = new double[length][(int)alphabets.getAlphabetLengthAt( 0 )];
//set fields
this.ess = ess;
this.isInitialized = false;
this.norm = null;
* @param xml
* @throws NonParsableException
public PositionWeightMatrixDiffSM( StringBuffer xml ) throws NonParsableException {
//super-constructor in the end calls fromXML(StringBuffer)
//and checks that alphabet and length are set
super( xml );
public int getSizeOfEventSpaceForRandomVariablesOfParameter( int index ) {
//the event space are the symbols of the alphabet
return parameters[0].length;
public double getLogNormalizationConstant() {
//only depends on current parameters
//-> compute only once
if(this.norm == null){
norm = 0.0;
//sum over all sequences of product over all positions
//can be re-ordered for a PWM to the product over all positions
//of the sum over the symbols. In log-space the outer
//product becomes a sum, the inner sum must be computed
//by getLogSum(double[])
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
norm += Normalisation.getLogSum( parameters[i] );
return norm;
public double getLogPartialNormalizationConstant( int parameterIndex ) throws Exception {
//norm computed?
if(norm == null){
//row and column of the parameter
//in the PWM
int symbol = parameterIndex%(int)alphabets.getAlphabetLengthAt( 0 );
int position = parameterIndex/(int)alphabets.getAlphabetLengthAt( 0 );
//partial derivation only at current position, rest is factor
return norm - Normalisation.getLogSum( parameters[position] ) + parameters[position][symbol];
public double getLogPriorTerm() {
double logPrior = 0;
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<parameters[i].length;j++){
//prior without gamma-normalization (only depends on hyper-parameters),
//uniform hyper-parameters (BDeu), tranformed prior density,
//without normalization constant (getLogNormalizationConstant()*ess subtracted later)
logPrior += ess/alphabets.getAlphabetLengthAt( 0 ) * parameters[i][j];
return logPrior;
public void addGradientOfLogPriorTerm( double[] grad, int start ) throws Exception {
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<parameters[i].length;j++,start++){
//partial derivations of the logPriorTerm above
grad[start] = ess/alphabets.getAlphabetLengthAt( 0 );
public double getESS() {
return ess;
public void initializeFunction( int index, boolean freeParams, DataSet[] data, double[][] weights ) throws Exception {
if(!data[index].getAlphabetContainer().checkConsistency( alphabets ) ||
data[index].getElementLength() != length){
throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Alphabet or length to not match." );
//initially set pseudo-counts
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
Arrays.fill( parameters[i], ess/alphabets.getAlphabetLengthAt( 0 ) );
//counts in data
for(int i=0;i<data[index].getNumberOfElements();i++){
Sequence seq = data[index].getElementAt( i );
for(int j=0;j<seq.getLength();j++){
parameters[j][ seq.discreteVal( j ) ] += weights[index][i];
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
//normalize -> MAP estimation
Normalisation.sumNormalisation( parameters[i] );
//parameters are log-probabilities from MAP estimation
for(int j=0;j<parameters[i].length;j++){
parameters[i][j] = Math.log( parameters[i][j] );
norm = null;
isInitialized = true;
public void initializeFunctionRandomly( boolean freeParams ) throws Exception {
int al = (int)alphabets.getAlphabetLengthAt( 0 );
//draw parameters from prior density -> Dirichlet
DirichletMRGParams pars = new DirichletMRGParams( ess/al, al );
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
parameters[i] = DirichletMRG.DEFAULT_INSTANCE.generate( al, pars );
//parameters are log-probabilities
for(int j=0;j<parameters[i].length;j++){
parameters[i][j] = Math.log( parameters[i][j] );
norm = null;
isInitialized = true;
public double getLogScoreFor( Sequence seq, int start ) {
double score = 0.0;
//log-score is sum of parameter values used
//normalization to likelihood can be achieved
//by subtracting getLogNormalizationConstant
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
score += parameters[i][ seq.discreteVal( i+start ) ];
return score;
public double getLogScoreAndPartialDerivation( Sequence seq, int start, IntList indices, DoubleList partialDer ) {
double score = 0.0;
int off = 0;
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
int v = seq.discreteVal( i+start );
score += parameters[i][ v ];
//add index of parameter used to indices
indices.add( off + v );
//derivations are just one
partialDer.add( 1 );
off += parameters[i].length;
return score;
public int getNumberOfParameters() {
int num = 0;
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
num += parameters[i].length;
return num;
public double[] getCurrentParameterValues() throws Exception {
double[] pars = new double[getNumberOfParameters()];
for(int i=0,k=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<parameters[i].length;j++,k++){
pars[k] = parameters[i][j];
return pars;
public void setParameters( double[] params, int start ) {
for(int i=0;i<parameters.length;i++){
for(int j=0;j<parameters[i].length;j++,start++){
parameters[i][j] = params[start];
norm = null;
public String getInstanceName() {
return "Position weight matrix";
public boolean isInitialized() {
return isInitialized;
public StringBuffer toXML() {
StringBuffer xml = new StringBuffer();
//store all fields with XML parser
//including alphabet and length of the super-class
XMLParser.appendObjectWithTags( xml, alphabets, "alphabets" );
XMLParser.appendObjectWithTags( xml, length, "length" );
XMLParser.appendObjectWithTags( xml, parameters, "parameters" );
XMLParser.appendObjectWithTags( xml, isInitialized, "isInitialized" );
XMLParser.appendObjectWithTags( xml, ess, "ess" );
XMLParser.addTags( xml, "PWM" );
return xml;
protected void fromXML( StringBuffer xml ) throws NonParsableException {
xml = XMLParser.extractForTag( xml, "PWM" );
//extract all fields
alphabets = (AlphabetContainer)XMLParser.extractObjectForTags( xml, "alphabets" );
length = XMLParser.extractObjectForTags( xml, "length", int.class );
parameters = (double[][])XMLParser.extractObjectForTags( xml, "parameters" );
isInitialized = XMLParser.extractObjectForTags( xml, "isInitialized", boolean.class );
ess = XMLParser.extractObjectForTags( xml, "ess", double.class );