Package | Description |
de.jstacs.classifiers.assessment |
This package allows to assess classifiers.
It contains the class ClassifierAssessment that
is used as a super-class of all implemented methodologies of
an assessment to assess classifiers. |
de.jstacs.clustering.distances | | |
Provides classes for the representation of data.
The base classes to represent data are Alphabet and AlphabetContainer for representing alphabets,
Sequence and its sub-classes to represent continuous and discrete sequences, and
DataSet to represent data sets comprising a set of sequences. | |
Provides classes for the representation of discrete and continuous alphabets, including a
DNAAlphabet for the most common case of DNA-sequences. | |
Provides an adapter between the representation of data in BioJava and the representation used in Jstacs.
| |
Provides classes for representing sequences.
The implementations of sequences currently include DiscreteSequence s prepared for alphabets of different sizes, and ArbitrarySequence s that may
contain continuous values as well.As sub-package provides the facilities to annotate Sequence s. | |
Provides classes for reading data from and writing to a file and storing a number of datatypes, including all primitives, arrays of primitives, and
Storable s to an XML-representation. |
de.jstacs.motifDiscovery |
This package provides the framework including the interface for any de novo motif discoverer.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.differentiable | |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable |
Provides all
DifferentiableStatisticalModel s, which can compute the gradient with
respect to their parameters for a given input Sequence . |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.mixture |
DifferentiableSequenceScore s that are mixtures of other DifferentiableSequenceScore s. |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.differentiable.mixture.motif | |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable |
Provides all
TrainableStatisticalModel s, which can
be learned from a single DataSet . |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete | |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.homogeneous | |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous |
This package contains various inhomogeneous models.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.discrete.inhomogeneous.shared | |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm |
The package provides all interfaces and classes for a hidden Markov model (HMM).
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.hmm.models |
The package provides different implementations of hidden Markov models based on
AbstractHMM . |
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.mixture |
This package is the super package for any mixture model.
de.jstacs.sequenceScores.statisticalModels.trainable.mixture.motif |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
ListResult |
ClassifierAssessment.assess(NumericalPerformanceMeasureParameterSet mp,
T assessPS,
DataSet... s)
Assesses the contained classifiers.
ListResult |
ClassifierAssessment.assess(NumericalPerformanceMeasureParameterSet mp,
T assessPS,
ProgressUpdater pU,
DataSet[] s)
Assesses the contained classifiers.
ListResult |
ClassifierAssessment.assess(NumericalPerformanceMeasureParameterSet mp,
T assessPS,
ProgressUpdater pU,
DataSet[][]... s)
Assesses the contained classifiers.
ListResult |
ClassifierAssessment.assess(NumericalPerformanceMeasureParameterSet mp,
T assessPS,
ProgressUpdater pU,
DataSet[] s,
double[][] weights)
Assesses the contained classifiers.
protected void |
ClassifierAssessment.prepareAssessment(boolean storeAll,
DataSet... s)
Prepares an assessment.
Constructor and Description |
ClassifierAssessment(AbstractClassifier... aCs)
Creates a new
ClassifierAssessment from a set of
AbstractClassifier s. |
ClassifierAssessment(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
This constructor allows to assess a collection of given
AbstractClassifier s and, in addition, classifiers that will be
constructed using the given TrainableStatisticalModel s. |
ClassifierAssessment(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
TrainableStatisticalModel[][] aMs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
boolean checkAlphabetConsistencyAndLength)
Creates a new
ClassifierAssessment from an array of
AbstractClassifier s and a two-dimensional array of TrainableStatisticalModel
s, which are combined to additional classifiers. |
ClassifierAssessment(boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
Creates a new
ClassifierAssessment from a set of TrainableStatisticalModel s. |
KFoldCrossValidation(AbstractClassifier... aCs)
Creates a new
KFoldCrossValidation from a set of
AbstractClassifier s. |
KFoldCrossValidation(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
This constructor allows to assess a collection of given
AbstractClassifier s and those constructed using the given
TrainableStatisticalModel s by a KFoldCrossValidation
. |
KFoldCrossValidation(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
TrainableStatisticalModel[][] aMs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
boolean checkAlphabetConsistencyAndLength)
Creates a new
KFoldCrossValidation from an array of
AbstractClassifier s and a two-dimensional array of TrainableStatisticalModel
s, which are combined to additional classifiers. |
KFoldCrossValidation(boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
Creates a new
KFoldCrossValidation from a set of TrainableStatisticalModel s. |
RepeatedHoldOutExperiment(AbstractClassifier... aCs)
Creates a new
RepeatedHoldOutExperiment from a set of
AbstractClassifier s. |
RepeatedHoldOutExperiment(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
This constructor allows to assess a collection of given
AbstractClassifier s and those constructed using the given
TrainableStatisticalModel s by a
RepeatedHoldOutExperiment . |
RepeatedHoldOutExperiment(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
TrainableStatisticalModel[][] aMs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
boolean checkAlphabetConsistencyAndLength)
Creates a new
RepeatedHoldOutExperiment from an array of
AbstractClassifier s and a two-dimensional array of TrainableStatisticalModel
s, which are combined to additional classifiers. |
RepeatedHoldOutExperiment(boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
Creates a new
RepeatedHoldOutExperiment from a set of
TrainableStatisticalModel s. |
RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment(AbstractClassifier... aCs)
Creates a new
RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment from a set of
AbstractClassifier s. |
RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
This constructor allows to assess a collection of given
AbstractClassifier s and those constructed using the given
TrainableStatisticalModel s by a
RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment . |
RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
TrainableStatisticalModel[][] aMs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
boolean checkAlphabetConsistencyAndLength)
Creates a new
RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment from an array of
AbstractClassifier s and a two-dimensional array of TrainableStatisticalModel
s, which are combined to additional classifiers. |
RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment(boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
Creates a new
RepeatedSubSamplingExperiment from a set of
TrainableStatisticalModel s. |
Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment(AbstractClassifier... aCs)
Creates a new
Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment from a set of
AbstractClassifier s. |
Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
This constructor allows to assess a collection of given
AbstractClassifier s and those constructed using the given
TrainableStatisticalModel s by a
Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment . |
Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment(AbstractClassifier[] aCs,
TrainableStatisticalModel[][] aMs,
boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
boolean checkAlphabetConsistencyAndLength)
Creates a new
Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment from an array of
AbstractClassifier s and a two-dimensional array of TrainableStatisticalModel
s, which are combined to additional classifiers. |
Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment(boolean buildClassifiersByCrossProduct,
TrainableStatisticalModel[]... aMs)
Creates a new
Sampled_RepeatedHoldOutExperiment from a set of
TrainableStatisticalModel s. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static CyclicSequenceAdaptor[] |
RandomSequenceScoreDistance.createSequences(DiscreteAlphabet alphabet,
int n)
Creates a new random sequence of the given length and alphabet.
Constructor and Description |
RandomSequenceScoreDistance(DiscreteAlphabet alphabet,
int n,
boolean exp)
Creates a distance using a random sequence of length
![]() |
SequenceScoreDistance(DiscreteAlphabet alphabet,
int n,
boolean exp)
Creates a new distance.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static DataSet |
DataSet.diff(DataSet data,
DataSet... samples)
static CyclicSequenceAdaptor[] |
DeBruijnSequenceGenerator.generate(DiscreteAlphabet alphabet,
int n)
Generates a De Bruijn sequence of length
![]() |
static CyclicSequenceAdaptor[] |
DeBruijnGraphSequenceGenerator.generate(DiscreteAlphabet alphabet,
int n)
Generates a De Bruijn sequence of length
![]() |
static CyclicSequenceAdaptor |
DeBruijnSequenceGenerator.generate(DiscreteAlphabet alphabet,
int n,
int alphabetShift)
Generates a De Bruijn sequence using the supplied alphabet and the given alphabet shift, i.e., for a cyclic shift of the symbols
of the alphabet.
static CyclicSequenceAdaptor |
DeBruijnGraphSequenceGenerator.generate(DiscreteAlphabet alphabet,
int n,
int alphabetShift)
Generates a De Bruijn sequence using the supplied alphabet and the given alphabet shift, i.e., for a cyclic shift of the symbols
of the alphabet.
double |
AlphabetContainer.getCode(int pos,
String sym)
ArbitrarySequence |
DinucleotideProperty.getPropertyAsSequence(Sequence original)
Computes this dinucleotide property for all overlapping dimers in
and returns the result as a Sequence of length original.getLength()-1 |
Constructor and Description |
DataSet(AlphabetContainer abc,
AbstractStringExtractor se)
DataSet(AlphabetContainer abc,
AbstractStringExtractor se,
int subsequenceLength)
Creates a new
DataSet from a StringExtractor
using the given AlphabetContainer and all overlapping windows of
length subsequenceLength . |
DataSet(AlphabetContainer abc,
AbstractStringExtractor se,
String delim)
Creates a new
DataSet from a StringExtractor
using the given AlphabetContainer and a delimiter
delim . |
DataSet(AlphabetContainer abc,
AbstractStringExtractor se,
String delim,
int subsequenceLength)
Creates a new
DataSet from a StringExtractor
using the given AlphabetContainer , the given delimiter
delim and all overlapping windows of length
subsequenceLength . |
DataSet(AlphabetContainer abc,
AbstractStringExtractor se,
String delim,
int subsequenceLength,
double percentage)
Creates a new
DataSet from a StringExtractor
using the given AlphabetContainer , the given delimiter
delim and all overlapping windows of length
subsequenceLength . |
DataSet(String annotation,
Collection<Sequence> seqs)
DataSet(String annotation,
Sequence... seqs)
Creates a new
DataSet from an array of Sequence s and a
given annotation.This constructor is specially designed for the method StatisticalModel.emitDataSet(int, int...) |
DNADataSet(String fName)
Creates a new data set of DNA sequence from a FASTA file with file name
fName . |
DNADataSet(String fName,
char ignore)
Creates a new data set of DNA sequence from a file with file name
fName . |
DNADataSet(String fName,
char ignore,
SequenceAnnotationParser parser)
Creates a new data set of DNA sequence from a file with file name
fName using the given parser . |
WeightedDataSetFactory(DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort,
DataSet... data)
Creates a new
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory on the given
DataSet (s) with DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort . |
WeightedDataSetFactory(DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort,
DataSet[] data,
double[][] weights,
int length)
Creates a new
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory on the given array of
DataSet s and an array of weights with a given
length and DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort . |
WeightedDataSetFactory(DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort,
DataSet data,
double[] weights)
Creates a new
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory on the given
DataSet and an array of weights with
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort . |
WeightedDataSetFactory(DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort,
DataSet data,
double[] weights,
int length)
Creates a new
DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory on the given
DataSet and an array of weights with a given
length and DataSet.WeightedDataSetFactory.SortOperation sort . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
int |
DNAAlphabet.getCode(String symbol) |
int |
DiscreteAlphabet.getCode(String symbol)
Returns the code of a given symbol.
boolean |
IUPACDNAAlphabet.isPart(String query,
String code)
Indicates if
query is contained in code
according to the IUPAC DNA alphabet. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static SequenceIterator |
BioJavaAdapter.dataSetToSequenceIterator(DataSet sample,
boolean flat,
boolean alwaysUseDNAAlphabet)
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Sequence |
Sequence.create(AlphabetContainer con,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
Creates a
Sequence from a String based on the given
AlphabetContainer using the given delimiter delim
and some annotation for the Sequence . |
static Sequence |
Sequence.create(AlphabetContainer con,
String sequence)
Creates a
Sequence from a String based on the given
AlphabetContainer using the standard delimiter for this
AlphabetContainer . |
static Sequence |
Sequence.create(AlphabetContainer con,
String sequence,
String delim)
Creates a
Sequence from a String based on the given
AlphabetContainer using the given delimiter delim . |
static DataSet |
SparseSequence.getDataSet(AlphabetContainer con,
AbstractStringExtractor... se)
This method allows to create a
DataSet containing SparseSequence s. |
static DataSet |
ArbitraryFloatSequence.getDataSet(AlphabetContainer con,
AbstractStringExtractor... se)
This method allows to create a
DataSet containing ArbitraryFloatSequence s. |
static DataSet |
SparseSequence.getDataSet(AlphabetContainer con,
String filename)
This method allows to create a
DataSet containing SparseSequence s using
a file name. |
static DataSet |
ArbitraryFloatSequence.getDataSet(AlphabetContainer con,
String filename)
This method allows to create a
DataSet containing ArbitraryFloatSequence s using
a file name. |
static DataSet |
SparseSequence.getDataSet(AlphabetContainer con,
String filename,
SequenceAnnotationParser parser)
This method allows to create a
DataSet containing SparseSequence s using
a file name. |
static DataSet |
ArbitraryFloatSequence.getDataSet(AlphabetContainer con,
String filename,
SequenceAnnotationParser parser)
This method allows to create a
DataSet containing ArbitraryFloatSequence s using
a file name. |
int |
Sequence.getHammingDistance(Sequence seq)
This method returns the Hamming distance between the current
Sequence and seq . |
protected abstract MultiDimensionalSequence<T> |
MultiDimensionalSequence.getInstance(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... seqs)
Returns a new instance of a
MultiDimensionalSequence with given SequenceAnnotation s and given Sequence s. |
protected MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence |
MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence.getInstance(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... seqs) |
protected MultiDimensionalArbitrarySequence |
MultiDimensionalArbitrarySequence.getInstance(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... seqs) |
boolean |
Sequence.matches(int maxHammingDistance,
Sequence shortSequence)
This method allows to answer the question whether there is a
similar pattern find a match with a given maximal number of mismatches.
Constructor and Description |
ArbitraryFloatSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
float[] content)
Creates a new
ArbitraryFloatSequence from an array of
float -encoded alphabet symbols. |
ArbitraryFloatSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
ArbitraryFloatSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new
ArbitraryFloatSequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
ArbitraryFloatSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
String sequence)
Creates a new
ArbitraryFloatSequence from a String
representation using the default delimiter. |
ArbitrarySequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
double... content)
Creates a new
ArbitrarySequence from an array of
double -encoded alphabet symbols. |
ArbitrarySequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
ArbitrarySequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new
ArbitrarySequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
ArbitrarySequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
String sequence)
Creates a new
ArbitrarySequence from a String
representation using the default delimiter. |
ByteSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
byte[] content)
Creates a new
ByteSequence from an array of byte -
encoded alphabet symbols. |
ByteSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
ByteSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new
ByteSequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
ByteSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
String sequence)
Creates a new
ByteSequence from a String representation
using the default delimiter. |
IntSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
int... content)
Creates a new
IntSequence from an array of int -
encoded alphabet symbols. |
IntSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
int[] content,
int start,
int length)
Creates a new
IntSequence from a part of the array of
int - encoded alphabet symbols. |
IntSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
IntSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new
IntSequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
IntSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
String sequence)
Creates a new
IntSequence from a String representation
using the default delimiter. |
MappedDiscreteSequence(AlphabetContainer originalAlphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
DiscreteAlphabetMapping... transformation)
This method allows to create an empty
MappedDiscreteSequence . |
MappedDiscreteSequence(SimpleDiscreteSequence original,
DiscreteAlphabetMapping... transformation)
This method allows to create a
MappedDiscreteSequence from a given Sequence and some given DiscreteAlphabetMapping s. |
MultiDimensionalArbitrarySequence(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
ArbitrarySequence... sequence)
This constructor creates an
MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence from a set of individual Sequence s. |
MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
SimpleDiscreteSequence... sequence)
This constructor creates an
MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence from a set of individual Sequence s. |
MultiDimensionalSequence(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... sequence)
This constructor creates an
MultiDimensionalSequence from a set of individual Sequence s. |
PermutedSequence(Sequence<T> seq)
Creates a new
PermutedSequence by shuffling the symbols of a
given Sequence . |
PermutedSequence(Sequence<T> seq,
int[] permutation)
Creates a new
PermutedSequence for a given permutation |
ShortSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
ShortSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new
ShortSequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
ShortSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
short[] content)
Creates a new
ShortSequence from an array of short -
encoded alphabet symbols. |
ShortSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
String sequence)
Creates a new
ShortSequence from a String representation
using the default delimiter. |
SimpleDiscreteSequence(AlphabetContainer container,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation)
This constructor creates a new
SimpleDiscreteSequence with the
AlphabetContainer container and the annotation
annotation but without the content. |
SparseSequence(AlphabetContainer alphCon,
String seq)
Creates a new
SparseSequence from a String
representation. |
SparseSequence(AlphabetContainer alphCon,
SymbolExtractor se)
Creates a new
SparseSequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Sequence[] |
XMLParser.extractSequencesWithTags(StringBuffer xml,
String tag)
Extracts a set of sequences from their XML representation.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static Pair<Sequence,BitSet[]>[] |
KMereStatistic.getKmereSequenceStatistic(boolean bothStrands,
int maxMismatch,
HashSet<Sequence> filter,
DataSet... data)
This method enables the user to get a statistic for a set of
k -mers. |
static Hashtable<Sequence,BitSet[]> |
KMereStatistic.getKmereSequenceStatistic(int k,
boolean bothStrands,
int addIndex,
DataSet... data)
This method enables the user to get a statistic over all
k -mers
in the sequences. |
static Hashtable<Sequence,BitSet[]> |
KMereStatistic.merge(Hashtable<Sequence,BitSet[]> statistic,
int maximalMissmatch,
boolean bothStrands)
This method allows to merge the statistics of k-mers by allowing mismatches.
Constructor and Description |
IndependentProductDiffSS(boolean plugIn,
DifferentiableSequenceScore... functions)
This constructor creates an instance of an
IndependentProductDiffSS from a given series of
independent DifferentiableSequenceScore s. |
IndependentProductDiffSS(boolean plugIn,
DifferentiableSequenceScore[] functions,
int[] length)
This constructor creates an instance of an
IndependentProductDiffSS from given series of
independent DifferentiableSequenceScore s and lengths. |
IndependentProductDiffSS(boolean plugIn,
DifferentiableSequenceScore[] functions,
int[] index,
int[] length,
boolean[] reverse)
This is the main constructor.
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static StrandDiffSM |
DifferentiableStatisticalModelFactory.createStrandModel(DifferentiableStatisticalModel model)
This method allows to create a
StrandDiffSM that allows to score binding sites on both strand of DNA. |
Constructor and Description |
IndependentProductDiffSM(double ess,
boolean plugIn,
DifferentiableStatisticalModel... functions)
This constructor creates an instance of an
IndependentProductDiffSM from a given series of
independent DifferentiableStatisticalModel s. |
IndependentProductDiffSM(double ess,
boolean plugIn,
DifferentiableStatisticalModel[] functions,
int[] length)
This constructor creates an instance of an
IndependentProductDiffSM from given series of
independent DifferentiableStatisticalModel s and lengths. |
IndependentProductDiffSM(double ess,
boolean plugIn,
DifferentiableStatisticalModel[] functions,
int[] index,
int[] length,
boolean[] reverse)
This is the main constructor.
MappingDiffSM(AlphabetContainer originalAlphabetContainer,
DifferentiableStatisticalModel nsf,
DiscreteAlphabetMapping... mapping)
The main constructor creating a
MappingDiffSM . |
Constructor and Description |
StrandDiffSM(DifferentiableStatisticalModel function,
double forwardPartOfESS,
int starts,
boolean plugIn,
StrandDiffSM.InitMethod initMethod)
This constructor creates a StrandDiffSM that optimizes the usage of each strand.
StrandDiffSM(DifferentiableStatisticalModel function,
int starts,
boolean plugIn,
StrandDiffSM.InitMethod initMethod,
double forward)
This constructor creates a StrandDiffSM that has a fixed frequency for the strand usage.
Constructor and Description |
MixtureDurationDiffSM(int starts,
DurationDiffSM... function)
The main constructor of a
MixtureDurationDiffSM . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
double |
UniformTrainSM.getLogProbFor(Sequence sequence,
int startpos,
int endpos) |
Constructor and Description |
CompositeTrainSM(AlphabetContainer alphabets,
int[] assignment,
TrainableStatisticalModel... models)
Creates a new
CompositeTrainSM . |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
static double |
ConstraintManager.countInhomogeneous(AlphabetContainer alphabets,
int length,
DataSet data,
double[] weights,
boolean reset,
Constraint... constr)
Fills the (inhomogeneous)
constr with the weighted absolute frequency of the DataSet
data and computes the frequencies will not be computed. |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
DataSet |
HomogeneousTrainSM.emitDataSet(int no,
int... length)
protected abstract Sequence |
HomogeneousTrainSM.getRandomSequence(Random r,
int length)
This method creates a random
Sequence from a trained homogeneous
model. |
protected Sequence |
HomogeneousMM.getRandomSequence(Random r,
int length) |
Modifier and Type | Method and Description |
SymmetricTensor |
StructureLearner.getTensor(DataSet data,
double[] weights,
byte order,
StructureLearner.LearningType method)
This method can be used to compute a
Tensor that can be used to
determine the optimal structure. |
Constructor and Description |
SharedStructureMixture(FSDAGTrainSM[] m,
StructureLearner.ModelType model,
byte order,
int starts,
boolean estimateComponentProbs,
double[] weights,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc)
Creates a new
SharedStructureMixture instance with all relevant
values. |
SharedStructureMixture(FSDAGTrainSM[] m,
StructureLearner.ModelType model,
byte order,
int starts,
double[] weights,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc)
Creates a new
SharedStructureMixture instance with fixed
component weights. |
SharedStructureMixture(FSDAGTrainSM[] m,
StructureLearner.ModelType model,
byte order,
int starts,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc)
Creates a new
SharedStructureMixture instance which estimates the
component probabilities/weights. |
Constructor and Description |
AbstractHMM(HMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameterSet,
String[] name,
int[] emissionIdx,
boolean[] forward,
Emission[] emission)
This is the main constructor for an HMM.
Constructor and Description |
SamplingPhyloHMM(SamplingHMMTrainingParameterSet trainingParameterSet,
String[] name,
int[] emissionIdx,
boolean[] forward,
PhyloDiscreteEmission[] emission,
TransitionElement... te)
This is the main constructor for a hidden markov model with phylogenetic emission(s)
This model can be trained using a metropolis hastings algorithm
Constructor and Description |
AbstractMixtureTrainSM(int length,
TrainableStatisticalModel[] models,
boolean[] optimizeModel,
int dimension,
int starts,
boolean estimateComponentProbs,
double[] componentHyperParams,
double[] weights,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Algorithm algorithm,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization,
int initialIteration,
int stationaryIteration,
BurnInTest burnInTest)
Creates a new
AbstractMixtureTrainSM . |
MixtureTrainSM(int length,
TrainableStatisticalModel[] models,
double[] weights,
int starts,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization)
Creates an instance using EM and fixed component probabilities.
MixtureTrainSM(int length,
TrainableStatisticalModel[] models,
double[] weights,
int starts,
int initialIteration,
int stationaryIteration,
BurnInTest burnInTest)
Creates an instance using Gibbs Sampling and fixed component
MixtureTrainSM(int length,
TrainableStatisticalModel[] models,
int starts,
boolean estimateComponentProbs,
double[] componentHyperParams,
double[] weights,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Algorithm algorithm,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization,
int initialIteration,
int stationaryIteration,
BurnInTest burnInTest)
Creates a new
MixtureTrainSM . |
MixtureTrainSM(int length,
TrainableStatisticalModel[] models,
int starts,
double[] componentHyperParams,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization)
Creates an instance using EM and estimating the component probabilities.
MixtureTrainSM(int length,
TrainableStatisticalModel[] models,
int starts,
double[] componentHyperParams,
int initialIteration,
int stationaryIteration,
BurnInTest burnInTest)
Creates an instance using Gibbs Sampling and sampling the component
StrandTrainSM(TrainableStatisticalModel model,
int starts,
boolean estimateComponentProbs,
double[] componentHyperParams,
double forwardStrandProb,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Algorithm algorithm,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization,
int initialIteration,
int stationaryIteration,
BurnInTest burnInTest)
Creates a new
StrandTrainSM . |
StrandTrainSM(TrainableStatisticalModel model,
int starts,
double[] componentHyperParams,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization)
Creates an instance using EM and estimating the component probabilities.
StrandTrainSM(TrainableStatisticalModel model,
int starts,
double[] componentHyperParams,
int initialIteration,
int stationaryIteration,
BurnInTest burnInTest)
Creates an instance using Gibbs Sampling and sampling the component
StrandTrainSM(TrainableStatisticalModel model,
int starts,
double forwardStrandProb,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization)
Creates an instance using EM and fixed component probabilities.
StrandTrainSM(TrainableStatisticalModel model,
int starts,
double forwardStrandProb,
int initialIteration,
int stationaryIteration,
BurnInTest burnInTest)
Creates an instance using Gibbs Sampling and fixed component
Constructor and Description |
HiddenMotifMixture(TrainableStatisticalModel[] models,
boolean[] optimzeArray,
int components,
int starts,
boolean estimateComponentProbs,
double[] componentHyperParams,
double[] weights,
PositionPrior posPrior,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Algorithm algorithm,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization,
int initialIteration,
int stationaryIteration,
BurnInTest burnInTest)
Creates a new
HiddenMotifMixture . |
ZOOPSTrainSM(TrainableStatisticalModel motif,
TrainableStatisticalModel bg,
boolean trainOnlyMotifModel,
int starts,
double[] componentHyperParams,
double[] weights,
PositionPrior posPrior,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Algorithm algorithm,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization,
int initialIteration,
int stationaryIteration,
BurnInTest burnInTest)
Creates a new
ZOOPSTrainSM . |
ZOOPSTrainSM(TrainableStatisticalModel motif,
TrainableStatisticalModel bg,
boolean trainOnlyMotifModel,
int starts,
double[] componentHyperParams,
PositionPrior posPrior,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization)
Creates a new
ZOOPSTrainSM using EM and estimating
the probability for finding a motif. |
ZOOPSTrainSM(TrainableStatisticalModel motif,
TrainableStatisticalModel bg,
boolean trainOnlyMotifModel,
int starts,
double motifProb,
PositionPrior posPrior,
double alpha,
TerminationCondition tc,
AbstractMixtureTrainSM.Parameterization parametrization)
Creates a new
ZOOPSTrainSM using EM and fixed
probability for finding a motif. |