Packages that use SequenceAnnotation | |
de.jstacs.data.sequences | Provides classes for representing sequences. |
de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation | Provides the facilities to annotate Sequence s using a number of pre-defined annotation types, or additional
implementations of the SequenceAnnotation class |
de.jstacs.io | Provides classes for reading data from and writing to a file and storing a number of datatypes, including all primitives, arrays of primitives, and Storable s to an XML-representation |
Uses of SequenceAnnotation in de.jstacs.data.sequences |
Fields in de.jstacs.data.sequences declared as SequenceAnnotation | |
protected SequenceAnnotation[] |
The annotation of the Sequence . |
Methods in de.jstacs.data.sequences that return SequenceAnnotation | |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
Returns the annotation of the Sequence . |
SequenceAnnotation[][] |
This method returns the SequenceAnnotation [] for each dimension of this multidimensional sequence. |
SequenceAnnotation |
Sequence.getSequenceAnnotationByType(String type,
int idx)
Returns the SequenceAnnotation no. |
SequenceAnnotation |
Sequence.getSequenceAnnotationByTypeAndIdentifier(String type,
String identifier)
Returns the SequenceAnnotation of this Sequence that has type type and identifier identifier . |
Methods in de.jstacs.data.sequences with parameters of type SequenceAnnotation | |
Sequence |
Sequence.annotate(boolean add,
SequenceAnnotation... annotation)
This method allows to append annotation to a Sequence . |
static Sequence |
Sequence.create(AlphabetContainer con,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
Creates a Sequence from a String based on the given
AlphabetContainer using the given delimiter delim
and some annotation for the Sequence . |
protected abstract MultiDimensionalSequence<T> |
MultiDimensionalSequence.getInstance(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... seqs)
protected MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence |
MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence.getInstance(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... seqs)
protected MultiDimensionalArbitrarySequence |
MultiDimensionalArbitrarySequence.getInstance(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... seqs)
Constructors in de.jstacs.data.sequences with parameters of type SequenceAnnotation | |
ArbitraryFloatSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
Creates a new ArbitraryFloatSequence from a String
representation using the delimiter delim . |
ArbitraryFloatSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new ArbitraryFloatSequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
ArbitrarySequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
Creates a new ArbitrarySequence from a String
representation using the delimiter delim . |
ArbitrarySequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new ArbitrarySequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
ByteSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
Creates a new ByteSequence from a String representation
using the delimiter delim . |
ByteSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new ByteSequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
IntSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
Creates a new IntSequence from a String representation
using the delimiter delim . |
IntSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new IntSequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
MappedDiscreteSequence(AlphabetContainer originalAlphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
DiscreteAlphabetMapping... transformation)
This method allows to create an empty MappedDiscreteSequence . |
MultiDimensionalArbitrarySequence(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
ArbitrarySequence... sequence)
This constructor creates an MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence from a set of individual Sequence s. |
MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
SimpleDiscreteSequence... sequence)
This constructor creates an MultiDimensionalDiscreteSequence from a set of individual Sequence s. |
MultiDimensionalSequence(SequenceAnnotation[] seqAn,
Sequence... sequence)
This constructor creates an MultiDimensionalSequence from a set of individual Sequence s. |
Sequence.RecursiveSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabet,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
Sequence<T> seq)
Creates a new Sequence.RecursiveSequence on the Sequence
seq with the AlphabetContainer alphabet
and the annotation annotation . |
Sequence(AlphabetContainer container,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation)
Creates a new Sequence with the given AlphabetContainer
and the given annotation, but without the content. |
ShortSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
String sequence,
String delim)
Creates a new ShortSequence from a String representation
using the delimiter delim . |
ShortSequence(AlphabetContainer alphabetContainer,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation,
SymbolExtractor extractor)
Creates a new ShortSequence from a SymbolExtractor . |
SimpleDiscreteSequence(AlphabetContainer container,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotation)
This constructor creates a new SimpleDiscreteSequence with the
AlphabetContainer container and the annotation
annotation but without the content. |
Uses of SequenceAnnotation in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation |
Subclasses of SequenceAnnotation in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation | |
class |
Annotation for a cis-regulatory module as defined by a set of MotifAnnotation s of the motifs in the module. |
class |
Annotation class for an intron as defined by a donor and an acceptor splice site. |
class |
Class for a SequenceAnnotation that has a position on the sequence,
e.g for transcription start sites or intron-exon junctions. |
class |
Class for a SequenceAnnotation that has a position on the sequence
and a length, e.g. for donor splice sites, exons or genes. |
class |
Class for a StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength that is a
motif. |
class |
This class implements a SequenceAnnotation that contains a reference
sequence. |
class |
Class for some annotations that consist mainly of one position on a sequence. |
class |
Class for a SequenceAnnotation that has a position, a length and an
orientation on the strand of a Sequence . |
Fields in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation with type parameters of type SequenceAnnotation | |
protected LinkedList<SequenceAnnotation> |
The internal list of current SequenceAnnotation s. |
Methods in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation that return SequenceAnnotation | |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
This method returns the current SequenceAnnotation . |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
Returns the sub-annotations of this SequenceAnnotation as given
in the constructor. |
Methods in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation with parameters of type SequenceAnnotation | |
String |
SplitSequenceAnnotationParser.parseAnnotationToComment(char commentChar,
SequenceAnnotation... annotations)
String |
SimpleSequenceAnnotationParser.parseAnnotationToComment(char commentChar,
SequenceAnnotation... annotations)
String |
SequenceAnnotationParser.parseAnnotationToComment(char commentChar,
SequenceAnnotation... annotations)
This method returns a String representation of the given
SequenceAnnotation s that can be used as comment line in a file. |
String |
ReferenceSequenceAnnotationParser.parseAnnotationToComment(char commentChar,
SequenceAnnotation... annotations)
String |
NullSequenceAnnotationParser.parseAnnotationToComment(char commentChar,
SequenceAnnotation... annotations)
String |
MotifAnnotationParser.parseAnnotationToComment(char commentChar,
SequenceAnnotation... annotations)
Constructors in de.jstacs.data.sequences.annotation with parameters of type SequenceAnnotation | |
LocatedSequenceAnnotation(int position,
String type,
String identifier,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotations,
Result... additionalAnnotation)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotation of type type
with identifier identifier , additional annotation (that does
not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as an array of
Result s additionalAnnotation and sub-annotations
annotations . |
LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(int position,
int length,
String type,
String identifier,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotations,
Result... additionalAnnotations)
Creates a new LocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier , additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as an array of Result s additionalAnnotations
and sub-annotations annotations . |
SequenceAnnotation(String type,
String identifier,
SequenceAnnotation[] subAnnotations,
Result... additionalAnnotation)
Creates a new SequenceAnnotation of type type with
identifier identifier and additional annotation (that does
not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions) given as an array of
Result s additionalAnnotation . |
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength(int position,
int length,
StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength.Strand strandedness,
String type,
String identifier,
SequenceAnnotation[] annotations,
Result... additionalAnnotations)
Creates a new StrandedLocatedSequenceAnnotationWithLength of type
type with identifier identifier , additional
annotation (that does not fit the SequenceAnnotation definitions)
given as an array of Result s additionalAnnotations
and sub-annotations annotations . |
Uses of SequenceAnnotation in de.jstacs.io |
Methods in de.jstacs.io that return SequenceAnnotation | |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
SequenceAnnotation[] |
Returns the SequenceAnnotation or null if no SequenceAnnotation is available. |