Uses of Class

Packages that use OptimizableFunction
de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased Provides the classes for Classifiers that are based on SequenceScores. 
de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased.gendismix Provides an implementation of a classifier that allows to train the parameters of a set of DifferentiableStatisticalModels by a unified generative-discriminative learning principle 

Uses of OptimizableFunction in de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased

Subclasses of OptimizableFunction in de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased
 class AbstractMultiThreadedOptimizableFunction
          This class enables the user to exploit all CPUs of an computer by using threads.
 class AbstractOptimizableFunction
          This class extends OptimizableFunction and implements some common methods.
 class DiffSSBasedOptimizableFunction
          This abstract class is the basis of all multi-threaded OptimizableFunctions that are based on DifferentiableSequenceScores.

Methods in de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased with parameters of type OptimizableFunction
protected  OptimizableFunction.KindOfParameter ScoreClassifier.preoptimize(OptimizableFunction f)
          This method allows to pre-optimize the parameter before the real optimization.

Uses of OptimizableFunction in de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased.gendismix

Subclasses of OptimizableFunction in de.jstacs.classifiers.differentiableSequenceScoreBased.gendismix
 class LogGenDisMixFunction
          This class implements the the following function
The weights $\beta_i$ have to sum to 1.
 class OneDataSetLogGenDisMixFunction
          This class implements the the following function
where $w_{c,n}$ is the weight for sequence $d_n$ and class $c$.